

We need to rethink housing construction from the ground up. To create truly beautiful, energy-efficient and sustainable homes, we need to consider not only how the materials and techniques we use perform, but also how they interact with each other. We think of a house as an integrated system; not just the sum of its parts.

Trombe Wall

A Trombe wall is a sun-facing wall developed by the French engineer Félix Trombe in 1956, and is built from a material that can act as a thermal mass (such as stone, metal, concrete, adobe, rammed earth or water tanks), combined with an air space, insulated glazing, and vents to form a large solar thermal […]

Water Conservation

The importance of water in our lives can not be stressed enough; every living thing on this planet depends on a clean, healthy water supply. This dependency connects us all to each other. homes designed to pay homage to the importance of water by incorporating elements that reduce the need for water by avoiding waste […]


Conventional Windows are a distinctive feature in any home. In most conventional houses, however, windows are the weak link in terms of energy efficiency and coldweather comfort. During the winter, a typical window loses up to 10 times more heat than an equivalent area of an outside wall. Windows can account for up to 30 […]