

We need to rethink housing construction from the ground up. To create truly beautiful, energy-efficient and sustainable homes, we need to consider not only how the materials and techniques we use perform, but also how they interact with each other. We think of a house as an integrated system; not just the sum of its parts.

Custom Build

I have spent the vast majority of my time as a designer in the specific field of custom design and construction. I believe that this is a specific area of expertise not dissimilar to that of sustainable building or renovations. It is not accurate to call yourself a custom house builder because you are willing […]


As simple as a barrel, but more commonly an in-ground or basement tank, cisterns capture rainfall from rooftops and other hard surfaces. Often in abundant supply, this soft water lacks the mineral salts common to ground water and is ideal for irrigation. Cisterns provide a substantial proportion of monthly water requirements— especially in remote areas. […]

Air Flow

The building code now requires a “continuous air barrier” to reduce air leakage, to reduce the likelihood of moisture related issues, and to increase the durability of the building. Air flow can be tracked from areas of high to areas of low pressure. Hot air by nature rises, in addition to living in a heating […]


If you find meaning in the built environment, it should be reflected in where you live, it should mirror the personality and ideals of its owner(s). It should fit not just your makeup but your values as well. It should, simply put, be a statement of you. The aesthetic of a project is driven through […]

Advanced Wall Systems

Over the last several years that green building has slowly emerged as not just a building trend but ultimately the way all buildings will be constructed in the near future. Forward thinking designers and builders have been envisioning how exactly we can “re invent the wheel” after all, the house as we know it does […]

Third Party Rating Systems

Third party rating organizations are organizations affiliated with green rating systems that ensure that proper steps are taken (by the builder) to achieve the desired target level in the selected system. There are a number of green rating systems in canada at the moment. all delivering slightly different levels of and emphasis on the important […]