

We need to rethink housing construction from the ground up. To create truly beautiful, energy-efficient and sustainable homes, we need to consider not only how the materials and techniques we use perform, but also how they interact with each other. We think of a house as an integrated system; not just the sum of its parts.


For almost 2 decades now I have observed and studied the human condition as it pertains to the built environment. Most specifically where we live, how we live, and why. As well I have tried to contribute as much as I can to the conversation of how it might be done better. I have worked […]

Better Design/Smarter Homes

Smart design is what lays the foundation for successful green housing. That means designing to use less, to collaborate with the landscape and designing for longevity, and flexibility. Design to use less: the notion of “designing big” rather than “building big”, means we design to make a space feel larger than it is. We design […]

Design Build

Design build is a process that has become very popular in recent years, mostly with architectural firms and professional designers. The general principle is one that typically removes two of the three components from the build process, or more accurately combines the three components into one. The Conventional System Lets say a couple wanted to […]

Design Alternatives

A well designed house is a smaller house, a more efficient house, a house detailed with consideration given to the ever changing needs of its occupants. Every household is different, young kids, older kids, empty nesters, professionals and single people as well. We all have our likes and dislikes, places that we would like to […]


To prevent water problems with foundations: ensure that the footing and sub-slab area is properly drained. • use granular fill to backfill the wall. • grade the earth around the house away from the building. • use eavestroughing and downspouts to take rainwater away from the foundation. • dampproof the wall on the exterior from […]


Conservation – The Environment “The prevention of excessive or wasteful use of a resource.” Conservation – Energy “A principle stating that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be altered from one form (or phase) to another.” It is the comprehension of these two definitions that is of vital importance, if we are to […]