

We need to rethink housing construction from the ground up. To create truly beautiful, energy-efficient and sustainable homes, we need to consider not only how the materials and techniques we use perform, but also how they interact with each other. We think of a house as an integrated system; not just the sum of its parts.


An insulating material slows the rate of heat flow from a warmer to a cooler area. Building envelopes generally consist of several components that act in different ways to slow heat flow. These materials are usually comprised of one or more of the following: • Most insulation materials block heat flow by radiation. They may […]

Indoor Air Quality

In an effort to make our houses more energy efficient we are making every effort to ensure that we control (as much as we can) the number of air changes per hour. In the past uncontrolled air changes were in fact what kept a houses indoor air quality healthy. Today however, we are very concerned […]

House vs Home

It may be semantics to say that you build houses instead of homes, because well, everyone in this industry refers to themselves as home builders, not house builders. Why, would i take the time and make the effort to distinguish between the two. Well, because the difference is significant, and it goes to a level […]

Heat Flow

In terms of energy, houses are in a balance. The energy entering is equal to the amount of energy leaving. They are however usually found in different forms. Ways energy can enter our houses: Purchased: Most commonly seen on our gas or electric bills, but can also be in the form of propane and wood. […]


When designing green housing one must consider not only the impact a house will have on the environment but also the impact that house will have on the health of its inhabitants. The houses I design create a clean, healthy living environment for residents, which I believe is an essential element in any house. Non-Off-Gassing […]

Grey Water Systems

Grey water is the drainage from sinks, bathing fixtures and the laundry, but does not include toilets. Grey water is only lightly contaminated with soap residue, food waste and soil, so it can potentially be easily recycled for some uses on site. It generally does not carry significant quantities of bacteria or parasites that may […]