
House vs Home

It may be semantics to say that you build houses instead of homes, because well, everyone in this industry refers to themselves as home builders, not house builders. Why, would i take the time and make the effort to distinguish between the two. Well, because the difference is significant, and it goes to a level of understanding of our place in the the process of creation.

Now it may come off as a bit of a rant, but hey we’re all entitled now and then. So here goes.

So what is the difference?

Well a house is a place that you live. Somewhere you may park a car, eat, sleep and brush your teeth. It should keep you warm and dry, and protect your stuff, but at the end of the day that is all that it is, a “vessel for living”.

It’s when we as human beings begin to care. Care for the space, and the space that surounds it. Care for others that visit us or live with us, and we begin to inject even the tiniest bit of ourselves into this space, that is when the house becomes a home. Then and only then.

To advertise otherwise, to call yourself a “home” builder, is in my opinion, false advertising of the highest order. We erect structures that facilitate life, but love is the only thing that can truly build a home. Love of ourselves, love of our neighbors, family and friends, love of our community and this world that we live. That is why my company is one house green. Maybe if we start working together, we will see a day when the world in which we live can be refereed to as one home green.